Dr. Harry Blom
Dr. Harry Blom is our Senior Publishing Liaison under contract with ScienceBetter Consulting LLC. Harry gives advice on publishing partner collaborations and supports the expansion of ADS to include the research results from disciplines funded by NASA.
Harry is an astrophysicist by training and obtained his PhD at Leiden University in 1997 on the analysis of gamma-ray satellite data. After a post-doc position at INAOE in Puebla, Mexico, he started a career in academic publishing at Kluwer in Dordrecht, The Netherlands. In 2004, he moved to New York City to become senior editor in astronomy and space technology for Springer.
Over the next 20 years he gained wide-ranging publishing experience including books and journals acquisition in the physical sciences, managing large global publishing teams, and expansion into new geographical areas. As a Vice-President since 2013, he became responsible for supporting publishing teams in driving content growth and development across the Springer Nature Journals division. His team worked on the definition and implementation of publishing policies, pilots, and processes. Activities included Abstracting & Indexing, Digital Preservation, Journal Development, Society Collaborations, and Journals Contracting. In 2021, he left Springer Nature to focus on teaching and consulting in the areas of his expertise.
Harry can be reached at harryjjblom at gmail.