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ADS 2.0 end of life

tl; dr: ADS 2.0 will no longer be accessible

Happy Independence Day!

For those of you that didn’t know, today is also the day that we are decommissioning the ADS 2.0 interface. It will no longer be accessible via its old URL and we encourage people to move to our new interface, ADS Bumblebee, which you can access here:

Do not worry if you had private libraries in ADS 2.0 and you still want to access them, you can import them into ADS Bumblebee, as is explained in the help pages here. In addition, redirects will be in place for those that had bookmarked certain searches.

Finally, if you used to be an ADS 2.0 API user, you can find details about our new API here.

If you run into any problems or have any questions about this change, then don’t hesitate to contact us via e-mail, twitter, or our feedback form.
