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Article Service

The following query pages provide access to articles that have been scanned by the ADS. If you want to access the fulltext of every article from a particular journal (including the recent electronic articles available from publisher’s web sites), please use the Journal/Volume/Page Query Page.

Please note that all articles are copyrighted by the publisher of the article. They can only be downloaded for personal use. Any commercial use or large-scale downloading is prohibited. Please see the Conditions of Use for more details.

We would like to acknowledge the many people and organizations that have helped with this project by donating extra volumes and by giving the ADS permission to scan their copyrighted material.

Acknowledgements We are grateful to a number of individuals and institutions who have donated hardcopies of journals for the purpose of scanning. The following is a (possibly incomplete) list of individuals who have made the most significant contributions:
  • Prof. Adriaan Blaauw (Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, The Netherlands)
  • Dr. Thomas Corbin (USNO, USA)
  • Prof. Hilmar Dürbeck (University of Münster, Germany)
  • Dr. Mike Dworetsky (University of London Observatory, United Kingdom)
  • Dr. Martin Elvis (CfA, USA)
  • Prof. Jonathan Grindlay (CfA, USA)
  • Prof. John Huchra (CfA, USA)
  • Dr. Wolfgang Kalkofen (CfA, USA)
  • Prof. David Latham (CfA, USA)
  • Prof. Robert Noyes (CfA, USA)
  • Dr. Francois Ochsenbein (CDS, France)
  • Prof. Wayne Osborn (Central Michigan University, USA)
  • Prof. William Press (CfA, USA)
  • Prof. Jean-René Roy (Université Laval, France)
  • Dr. Elizabeth Roemer (University of Arizona, USA)
  • Dr. Rudolph Schild (CfA, USA)
  • Prof. Fred Whipple (CfA, USA)
Among the list of librarians who have contributed extra copies of serials and monographs to our digitization effort, we would like to thank:
  • Elaine Adams (UCLA)
  • Liz Bryson (Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope)
  • Donna Coletti (SAO/HCO Wolbach Library)
  • Brenda Corbin (US Naval Observatory)
  • Marlene Cummins (University of Toronto)
  • Amy Edmonds (University of Texas at Austin)
  • Edward Galloway (University of Pittsburgh)
  • Monique Gomez (Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias)
  • Mary Guerrieri (National Optical Astronomy Observatories)
  • Deborah Kegel (UC San Diego)
  • Frances Knudson (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
  • Monica Marra (Université di Bologna)
  • Jill Postma (Adler Planetarium)
  • Steve Quillen (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration)
  • Sarah Stevens-Rayburn (Space Telescope Science Institute)
  • Jennifer van Sickle (Trinity College Library)

Scanned Journals Service: view and print scanned pages of journals digitized by ADS.

Scanned Proceedings Service: view and print scanned pages of conference proceedings digitized by ADS.

Scanned Bulletins and Observatory Publications Service: view and print scanned pages of Bulletins and Observatory Publications digitized by ADS.

ADS Legacy Bibgroups

This section contains information on how to access bibliographic groups (bibgroups) that are no longer being maintained. Since we feel that these legacy bibgroups can still be useful, we have transferred their contents to public ADS libraries. The list below names the bibgroup and describes the contents of each legacy bibgroup and provides the link how to access them. These links will open the contents of each of these bibgroups in your browser. To work with their contents, please click on the button “View library in search results page” (upper right), from where you can work with the library contents (like applying filters to narrow down the list of records).

ADS Scanned Books

Welcome to the Astrophysics Data System (ADS) Virtual Library. Here you can browse through the books in the ADS. Following are links to the online books relating to astronomy and astrophysics which can be browsed and printed on demand.

Book List

Handbook of Space Astronomy and Astrophysics, by Martin V. Zombeck (1990, Cambridge University Press)

The Foundations of Celestial Mechanics by George W. Collins, II (1989, 2004).

The Fundamentals of Stellar Astrophysics, by George W. Collins, II (1989, 2003).

Fundamental Numerical Methods and Data Analysis by George W. Collins, II (1990, 2003).

The Virial Theorem in Stellar Astrophysics, by George W. Collins, II (1978, Pachart Publishing House, Tuscon, Arizona).

De Revolutionibus Orbium Coelestium [On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres], by Nicolaus Copernicus (1543).

Astronomiae Instauratae Mechanica [Instruments for the Restoration of Astronomy)], by Tycho Brahe (1602).

Images of the solar upper atmosphere from SUMER on SOHO by Uri Feldman, Ingolf E. Dammasch, Klaus Wilhelm, Philippe Lemaire, Donald M. Hassler; Bruce Battrick, editor (2003, ESA Publications Division).

The Complete Idiot's Guide to The Sun by Jay M. Pasachoff, Ph.D.

Basaltic Volcanism on the Terrestrial Planets, by members of the Basaltic Volcanism Study Project (1981, Lunar and Planetary Institute).

Chondrules and their Origins, edited by Elbert A. King (1983, Lunar and Planetary Institute).

Lunar Bases and Space Activities of the 21st Century, edited by W.W. Mendell (1986, Lunar and Planetary Institute).

Origin of the Moon, edited by W.K. Hartmann, R.J. Phillips, G. J. Taylor (1986, Lunar and Planetary Institute).

A 65-meter telescope for millimeter wavelengths, by J.W. Findlay and S. von Hoerner (1972, National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO), Charlottesville, Virginia).

Core List of Astronomy Books compiled by Liz Bryson (project coordinator), Diane Fortner, Randall Halvertson, Barbara Kern, Victoria Mitchell, Madeleine Needles, Amy Saxton, and Judie Triplehorn (2003).

Core List of Astronomy and Physics Journals compiled by Liz Bryson (project coordinator), Diane Fortner, and Pamela Yorks (2003)

We are also making available the following books from our historical literature collection:

Annals of the Astrophysical Observatory of the Smithsonian Institution, Volume I

Annals of the Astronomical Observatory of Harvard College, Volume VIII

Historical Literature

The following publications have been scanned from high-resolution 35mm film and are being made available to our users on an “as-is” basis, in collaboration with the John G. Wolbach Library at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics.

Funding for this project was provided in part by the Atherton Seidell Fund of the Smithsonian Institution.

You are welcome to browse the scanned publications using a simple page-turning interface. To do so, please click on the selected publication volumes listed below. The coloring of the links denotes whether the publication has been paginated (blue) or not (red).

Please note that these files can be viewed and downloaded for personal use only. Any commercial use or large-scale harvesting is prohibited. For more information, see our Conditions of Use page.

Volume List

Abbadia Observatory Observations


    0001     0002     0003     0004     0005     0006     0007     0008     0009     0010     0011     0012     0013     0014

Anais do Observatorio Astronomico da Universidade de Coimbra


    0001     0002     0003     0004     0005     0006     0007     0008     0009     0010     0011

Annalen der K.K. Universitaets-Sternwarte in Wien (Waehring)


    0002     0003     0004     0005     0006     0007     0008     0009     0010     0011     0012     0013     0014     0015     0016     0017     0018     0019     0020     0021     0022     0023     0024     0025

Annalen der Kaiserlichen Universitats-Sternwarte in Strassburg


    0001     0002     0003     0004     0005

Annalen der Koeniglichen Sternwarte bei Muenchen


    0001     0002     0003     0004     0005     0006     0007     0008     0009     0010     0011     0012     0013     0014     0015     0016     0017     0018     0019     0020     0021

Annalen der Universitaets-Sternwarte Wien


    0001     0002     0003     0004     0005     0006     0007     0008     0009     0010     0011     0012     0013     0014     0015     0016     0017     0018     0019     0020     0021     0022     0023     0024     0025     0026     0027     0028     0029     0030     0031     0032     0033     0034

Annalen der Universitaets-Sternwarte Wien, Dritter Folge


    0001     0002     0003     0004     0005     0006     0007     0008     0009     0010     0011     0012     0013     0014     0015     0016     0017     0018     0019     0020     0021     0022     0023     0024     0025     0026     0027     0028     0029

Annalen van de Sterrewacht te Leiden


    0001     0002     0003     0004     0005     0006     0007     0008     0009     0010     0011     0012     0013     0014     0015     0016     0017     0018     0019     0020     0021     0022

Annales de l'Observatoire Astron. et Meteo. de Toulouse


    0001     0002     0003     0004     0005     0006     0007     0008     0009     0010     0011     0012     0013     0014     0015     0016     0017     0018     0019     0020     0021     0022

Annales de l'Observatoire astronomique de Tokyo


    0001     0002     0003     0004     0005

Annales de l'Observatoire de Besancon


    0001     0002     0003     0004     0005     0006

Annales de l'Observatoire de Bordeaux


    0001     0002     0003     0004     0005     0006     0007     0008     0009     0010     0011     0012     0013     0014     0015     0016     0017

Annales de l'Observatoire de Nice


    0001     0002     0003     0004     0005     0006     0007     0008     0009     0010     0011     0012     0013     0014

Annales de l'Observatoire de Paris


    0001     0002     0003     0004     0005     0006     0007     0008     0009     0010     0011     0012     0013     0014     0015     0016     0017     0018     0019     0020     0021     0022     0023     0024     0025     0026     0027     0028     0029     0030     0031     0032

Annales de l'Observatoire de Paris. Observations


    0001     0002     0003     0004     0005     0006     0007     0008     0009     0010     0011     0012     0013     0014     0015     0016     0017     0018     0019     0020     0021     0022     0023     0024     0025     0026     0027     0028     0029     0030     0031     0032     0033     0034     0035     0036     0037     0038     0039     0040     0041     0042     0043     0044     0045     0046     0047     0048     0049     0050     0051     0052     0053     0054     0055     0056

Annales de l'Observatoire de Strasbourg


    0001     0002     0003     0004

Annales de l'Observatoire Imperial de Rio de Janeiro


    0001     0002     0003     0004

Annales de l'Observatoire national d'Athenes


    0001     0002     0003     0004     0005     0006     0007     0008     0009     0010     0011     0012

Annales de l'Observatoire royal de Belgique


    0001     0002     0003     0004     0005

Annales de l'Observatoire royal de Belgique Nouvelle serie


    0001     0002     0003     0004     0005     0006     0007     0008     0009     0010     0011     0012     0013     0014

Annales de l'Observatoire Royal de Bruxelles


    0001     0002     0003     0004     0005     0006     0007     0008     0009     0010     0011     0012     0013     0014     0015     0016     0017     0018     0019     0020     0021     0022     0023     0024     0025

Annales du Bureau des Longitudes, Gauthier-Villars, Paris


    0001     0002     0003     0004     0005     0006     0007     0008     0009     0010     0011     0012

Annales Francaises de Chronometrie


    0001     0002     0003     0004     0005     0006     0007     0008     0009     0010     0011     0012     0013     0014     0015     0016     0017     0018     0019     0020     0021

Annales of the Dearborn Observatory


    0001     0002     0003     0004     0005     0006     0007

Annals of the Astrophysical Observatory of the Smithsonian Institution


    0001     0002     0003     0004     0005     0006     0007

Annals of the Bosscha Observatory Lembang (Java) Indonesia


    0001     0002     0003     0004     0005     0006     0007     0008

Annals of the Cape Observatory


    0001     0002     0003     0004     0005     0006     0007     0008     0009     0010     0011     0012     0013     0014     0015     0016

Annals of the Lowell Observatory


    0001     0002     0003

Annals of the Observatory of Lund


    0001     0002     0003     0004     0005     0006     0007     0008     0009     0010     0011     0012     0013     0014     0015     0016     0017     0018

Annals of the Observatory of Lund Supplement


    0015     0016

Annals of the Private Observatory of Lucien Libert


    0001     0002     0003     0004     0005     0006     0007     0008

Annals of the Private Observatory of Lucien Libert


    0001     0002     0003     0004     0005     0006     0007     0008     0009     0010     0011     0012     0013     0014     0016     0017     0018     0019     0020     0021     0022     0023     0024

Annals of the Royal Observatory, Edinburgh


    0001     0002     0003

Annals of Harvard College Observatory


    0001     0002     0003     0004     0005     0006     0007     0008     0009     0010     0011     0012     0013     0014     0015     0016     0017     0018     0019     0020     0021     0022     0023     0024     0025     0026     0027     0028     0029     0030     0031     0032     0033     0034     0035     0036     0037     0038     0039     0040     0041     0042     0043     0044     0045     0046     0047     0048     0049     0050     0051     0052     0053     0054     0055     0056     0057     0058     0059     0060     0061     0062     0063     0064     0065     0066     0067     0068     0069     0070     0071     0072     0073     0074     0075     0076     0077     0078     0079     0080     0081     0082     0083     0084     0085     0086     0087     0088     0089     0090     0091     0092     0093     0094     0095     0096     0097     0098     0099     0100     0101     0102     0103     0104     0105     0106     0107     0108     0109     0110     0111     0112     0113     0115     0116     0118     0119     0120

Annual report of the Astronomer of the Winchester Observatory of Yale College



Annual Report of the Maria Mitchell Association


    0001     0002     0003     0004     0005     0006     0007     0008     0009     0010     0011     0012     0013     0014     0015     0016     0017     0018     0019     0020     0021     0022     0023     0024     0025     0026     0027     0028     0029     0030     0031     0032     0033     0034     0035     0036     0037     0038     0039     0040     0041     0042     0043     0044     0045     0046     0047     0048     0049     0050

Annual Report of the Windsor Observatory, New South Wales


    0001     0002     0003     0004     0005     0006     0007     0008     0009     0010     0011     0012     0013     0014     0015     0016

Annuario publicado pelo Imperial Observatorio do Rio de Janeiro


    0001     0002     0003     0004     0005     0051     0052     0053     0054     0055     0056     0057     0058     0059     0060     0061     0062     0063     0064     0065     0066

Anuario publicado pelo Imperial Observatorio do Rio de Janeiro


    0057     0058     0062

The Astronomer


    0001     0002     0003     0004     0005     0006     0007     0008     0009     0010     0011     0012     0013     0014     0015     0016     0017

Astronomical and Meteorological Observations made at the U.S. Naval Observatory


    0001     0002     0003     0004     0005     0006     0007     0008     0009     0010     0011     0012     0013     0014     0015     0016     0017     0018     0019     0020     0021     0022

Astronomical Observations made at the Royal Observatory at Greenwich


    0001     0002     0003     0004     0005     0006     0007     0008     0009     0010     0011     0012     0013     0014     0015     0016     0017     0018     0019     0020     0021     0022     0023

Astronomical Observations made at the U.S. Naval Observatory


    0001     0002     0003     0004     0005     0006

Astronomical register


    0001     0002     0003     0004     0005     0006     0007     0008     0009     0010     0011     0012     0013     0014     0015     0016     0017     0018     0019     0020     0021     0022     0023     0024

Astronomische Abhandlungen der Hamburger Sternwarte


    0001     0002     0003     0004     0005

Astronomische Beobachtungen angestellt auf der K. Sternwarte zu Bogenhausen bei Muenchen


    0001     0002     0003     0004     0005

Astronomische Beobachtungen auf der Koniglichen Sternwarte zu Berlin


    0001     0002     0003     0004     0005     0006     0007     0008

Astronomische Mitteilungen der Eidenössischen Sternwarte Zürich


    0001     0002     0003     0004     0005     0006     0007     0008     0009     0010     0011     0012     0013     0014     0015     0016     0017

Astronomische Mitteilungen der Koeniglichen Universitaets-Sternwarte zu Breslau


    0001     0002     0003     0004     0005

Astronomische Mitteilungen der Universitaets-Sternwartezu Goettingen


    0001     0002     0003     0004     0005     0006     0007     0008     0009     0010     0011     0012     0013     0014     0015     0016     0017     0018     0019     0020

Beobachtungen der Kaiserlichen Universitaets-Sternwarte Dorpat


    0009     0010     0011     0012     0013     0014     0015     0016     0017     0018

Beobachtungen der Kaiserlichen Universitaets-Sternwarte Jurjew


    0019     0020

Beobachtungs-Ergebnisse der Koniglichen Sternwarte zu Berlin


    0001     0002     0003     0004     0005     0006     0007     0008     0009     0010     0011     0012     0013     0014     0015     0016

Boletin mensual del Observatorio del Ebro


    0001     0002     0003     0004     0005     0006     0007     0008     0009     0010     0011     0012     0013     0014     0015     0016     0017     0018     0019     0020     0021     0022     0023     0024     0025     0026     0027     0028     0030     0031     0032     0033     0034     0035

Bulletin Astronomique


    0001     0002     0003     0004     0005     0006     0007     0008     0009     0010     0011     0012     0013     0014     0015     0016     0017     0018     0019     0020     0021     0022     0023     0024

Bulletin Astronomique, Revue Generale des Travaux Astronomiques


    0001     0002     0003     0004     0005     0006

Bulletin Astronomique, serie I


    0001     0002     0003     0004     0005     0006     0007     0008     0009     0010     0011     0012     0013     0014     0015     0016     0017     0018     0019     0020     0021     0022     0023     0024     0025     0026     0027     0028     0029     0030     0031     0032     0033     0034     0035

Bulletin de l'Observatoire de Lyon


    0001     0002     0003     0004     0005     0006     0007     0008     0009     0010     0011     0012     0013

Bulletin de la Societe Astronomique de France et Revue Mensuelle d'Astronomie, de Meteorologie et de Physique du Globe


    0009     0010     0011     0012     0013     0014     0015     0016     0017     0018     0021     0022     0023     0024

Bulletin de la Societe Belge d'Astronomie


    0001     0002     0003     0004     0005     0006     0007     0008     0009     0010     0011     0012     0013     0014

Bulletin Horaire du Bureau International de l'Heure


    0001     0002     0003     0004     0005     0006     0007     0008     0009

Bulletin of the Central Astronomical Institute of Czechoslovakia


    0002     0003

Bulletin of the Tashkent Observatory


    0001     0002

Bulletin of the University of Besancon Observatory


    0001     0015     0021     0026

Bulletin of the University of Besancon Observatory


    0003     0004     0005     0006     0007     0008     0009     0010     0011

Bulletin of the Yerkes Observatory of the University of Chicago


    0001     0002     0003     0004     0005     0006     0007     0008     0009     0010     0011     0012     0013     0014     0015     0016     0017     0018     0019

Ciel et Terre


    0001     0002     0003     0004     0005     0006     0007     0008     0009     0010     0011     0012     0013     0014     0015     0016     0017     0018     0019     0020     0021     0022     0023     0024     0025     0026

Circular of the Union Observatory Johannesburg


    0001     0002     0003     0004     0005     0006     0007     0008     0009     0010     0011     0012     0013     0014     0015     0016     0017     0018     0019     0020     0021     0022     0023     0024     0025     0026     0027     0028     0029     0030     0031     0032     0033     0034     0035     0036     0037     0038     0039     0040     0041     0042     0043     0044     0045     0046     0047     0048     0049     0050     0051     0052     0053     0054     0055     0056     0057     0058     0059     0060     0061     0062     0063     0064     0065     0066     0067     0068     0069     0070     0071     0072     0073     0074     0075     0076     0077     0078     0079     0080     0081     0082     0083     0084     0085     0086     0087     0088     0089     0090     0091     0092     0093     0094     0095     0096     0097     0098     0099     0100     0101     0102     0103     0104     0105     0106     0107     0108     0109     0110     0111     0112     0113     0114     0115     0116     0117     0118     0119     0120

Commmunications of the Konkoly Observatory


    0001     0002     0003     0004     0005     0006     0007     0008     0009     0011     0012     0013     0014     0015     0016     0017     0018     0019     0021     0022     0023     0024     0025

Contributions from the Mount Wilson Observatory


    0001     0002     0003

Contributions from the Mount Wilson Observatory / Carnegie Institution of Washington


    0001     0002     0003     0004     0005     0006     0007     0008     0009     0010     0011     0012     0013     0014     0015     0016     0017     0018     0019     0020     0021     0022     0023     0024     0025     0026     0027     0028     0029     0030     0031     0032     0033     0034     0035     0036     0037     0038     0039     0040     0041     0042     0043     0044     0045     0046     0047     0048     0049     0050     0051     0052     0053     0054     0055     0056     0057     0058     0059     0060     0061     0062     0063     0064     0065     0066     0067     0068     0069     0070     0071     0072     0073     0074     0075     0076     0077     0078     0079     0080     0081     0082     0083     0084     0085     0086     0087     0088     0089     0090     0091     0092     0093     0094     0095     0096     0097     0098     0099     0100     0101     0102     0103     0104     0105     0106     0107     0108     0109     0110     0111     0112     0113     0114     0115     0116     0117     0118     0119     0120     0121     0122     0123     0124     0125     0126     0127     0128     0129     0130     0131     0132     0133     0134     0135     0136     0137     0138     0139     0140     0141     0142     0143     0144     0145     0146     0147     0148     0149     0150     0151     0152     0153     0154     0155     0156     0157     0158     0159     0160     0161     0162     0163     0164     0165     0166     0167     0168     0169     0170     0171     0172     0173     0174     0175     0176     0177     0178     0179     0180     0181     0182     0183     0184     0185     0186     0187     0188     0189     0190     0191     0192     0193     0194     0195     0196     0197     0198     0199     0200     0201     0202     0203     0204     0205     0206     0207     0208     0209     0210     0211     0212     0213     0214     0215     0216     0217     0218     0219     0220     0221     0222 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Contributions from the Princeton University Observatory


    0001     0002     0003     0004     0005     0006     0007     0008     0009     0010     0011     0012     0013     0014     0015     0016     0017     0018     0019     0020     0021     0022     0023     0024

Contributions from the Rutherford Observatory of Columbia University New York


    0001     0002     0003     0004     0005     0006     0007     0008     0009     0010     0011     0012     0013     0014     0015     0016     0017     0018     0019     0020     0021     0022     0023     0024     0025     0026     0027     0028     0029     0030     0031     0032     0033

Contributions of Lick Observatory


    0001     0002     0003     0004     0005     0006     0007     0008     0009     0010     0011     0012     0013     0014     0015     0016     0017     0018     0019     0020     0021     0022     0023     0024     0025     0026     0027     0028     0029     0030     0031

Contributions of Lick Observatory


    0001     0002     0003     0004     0005

De Revolutionibus Orbium Coelestium



Dominion Astrophysical Observatory Annual Report


    0001     0002     0003     0004     0005     0006     0007

Dun Echt Observatory Publications


    0001     0002     0003

Dunsink Observatory Publications


    0001     0002     0003     0004     0005     0006     0007     0008     0009

Durham Observatory Observations


    0001     0002

Gauthier-Villars Paris Observatory Observations


    0001     0002     0003     0004     0005     0006     0007     0008     0009     0010

Gazette Astronomique


    0001     0002     0003     0004     0005     0006     0007     0008     0009     0010     0011     0012     0013     0014     0015     0016     0017     0018     0019     0020     0021     0022     0023     0024     0025     0026     0027     0028     0029     0030     0031     0032

Greenwich Observations in Astronomy, Magnetism and Meteorology made at the Royal Observatory, Series 2


    0001     0002     0003     0004     0005     0006     0007     0008     0009     0010     0011     0012     0013     0014     0015     0016     0017     0018     0019     0020     0021     0022     0023     0024     0025     0026     0027     0028     0029     0030     0031     0032     0033     0034     0035     0036     0037     0038     0039     0040     0041     0042     0043     0044     0045     0046     0047     0048     0049     0050     0051     0052     0053     0054     0055     0056     0057     0058     0059     0060     0061     0062     0063     0064     0065     0066     0067     0068     0069     0070     0071     0072     0073     0074     0075     0076     0077     0078     0079     0080     0081     0082     0083     0084     0085     0086

Greenwich Observations in Astronomy, Magnetism and Meteorology made at the Royal Observatory, Series 3


    0001     0002     0003     0004     0005     0006     0007     0008     0009     0010     0011     0012     0013     0014     0015     0016     0017     0018     0019     0020     0021     0022     0023     0024

Greenwich Observations made at the Royal Observatory


    0001     0002     0003     0004     0005     0006     0007

Harvard College Observatory Annual Report


    0001     0002     0003     0004     0005

Harvard College Observatory Circulars


    0001     0002     0003     0004     0005     0006     0007     0008     0009     0010     0011     0012     0013     0014     0015     0016     0017     0018     0019     0020     0021     0022     0023     0024     0025     0026     0027     0028     0029     0030     0031     0032     0033     0034     0035     0036     0037     0038     0039     0040     0041     0042     0043     0044     0045     0046     0047     0048     0049     0050     0051     0052     0053     0054     0055     0056     0057     0058     0059     0060     0061     0062     0063     0064     0065     0066     0067     0068     0069     0070     0071     0072     0073     0074     0075     0076     0077     0078     0079     0080     0081     0082     0083     0084     0085     0086     0087     0088     0089     0090     0091     0092     0093     0094     0095     0096     0097     0098     0099     0100     0101     0102     0103     0104     0105     0106     0107     0108     0109     0110     0111     0112     0113     0114     0115     0116     0117     0118     0119     0120     0121     0122     0123     0124     0125     0126     0127     0128     0129     0130     0131     0132     0133     0134     0135     0136     0137     0138     0139     0140     0141     0142     0143     0144     0145     0146     0147     0148     0149     0150     0151     0152     0153     0154     0155     0156     0157     0158     0159     0160     0161     0162     0163     0164     0165     0166     0167     0168     0169     0170     0171     0172     0173     0174     0175     0176     0177     0178     0179     0180     0181     0182     0183     0184     0185     0186     0187     0188     0189     0190     0191     0192     0193     0194     0195     0196     0197     0198     0199     0200     0201     0202     0203     0204     0205     0206     0207     0208     0209     0210     0211     0212     0213     0214     0215     0216     0217     0218     0219     0220     0221     0222     0223     0224     0225     0226     0227     0228     0229     0230     0231     0232     0233     0234     0235     0236     0237     0238     0239     0240     0241     0242     0243     0244     0245     0246     0247     0248     0249     0250     0251     0252     0253     0254     0255     0256     0257     0258     0259     0260     0261     0262     0263     0264     0265     0266     0267     0268     0269     0270     0271     0272     0273     0274     0275     0276     0277     0278     0279     0280     0281     0282     0283     0284     0285     0286     0287     0288     0289     0290     0291     0292     0293     0294     0295     0296     0297     0298     0299     0300     0301     0302     0303     0304     0305     0306     0307     0308     0309     0310     0311     0312     0313     0314     0315     0316     0317     0318     0319     0320     0321     0322     0323     0324     0325     0326     0327     0328     0329     0330     0331     0332     0333     0334     0335     0336     0337     0338     0339     0340     0341     0342     0343     0344     0345     0346     0347     0348     0349     0350     0351     0352     0353     0354     0355     0356     0357     0358     0359     0360     0361     0362     0363     0364     0365     0366     0367     0368     0369     0370     0371     0372     0373     0374     0375     0376     0377     0378     0379     0380     0381     0382     0383     0384     0385     0386     0387     0388     0389     0390     0391     0392     0393     0394     0395     0396     0397     0398     0399     0400     0401     0402     0403     0404     0405     0406     0407     0408     0409     0410     0411     0412     0413     0414     0415     0416     0417     0418     0419     0420     0421     0422     0423     0424     0425     0426     0427     0428     0429     0430     0431     0432     0433     0434     0435     0436     0437     0438     0439     0440     0441     0442     0443     0444     0445     0446     0447     0448     0449     0450     0451     0452     0453     0454     0455     0456     0457

Harvard College Observatory Papers


    0001     0002     0003     0004

Harvard College Observatory Reprints


    0001     0002     0003     0004     0005     0006     0007

Helwan Institute of Astronomy and Geophysics Bulletins


    0001     0002     0003     0004     0005     0006     0007     0008     0009     0010     0011     0012     0013     0014     0015     0016     0017     0018     0019     0020     0021     0022     0023     0024     0025     0026     0027     0028     0029     0030     0031     0032     0033     0034     0035     0036     0037     0038     0039     0040     0041     0042     0043

International Astronomical Union Circular



Izvestiia Glavnoi rossiiskoi astronomicheskoi observatorii


    0001     0002     0003     0004     0005     0006     0007     0008     0009     0010     0011     0012     0013     0014     0015     0016     0017     0018     0019

Journal of the British Astronomical Association


    0001     0002     0003     0004     0005     0006     0007     0008     0009     0010     0011     0012     0013     0014     0015

Kleine Veroeffentlichungen der Universitaetssternwarte zu Berlin Babelsberg


    0001     0002     0003     0004     0005     0006     0007

Kodaikanal Observatory Bulletins


    0001     0002     0003     0004     0005

Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Weteschappen Proceedings Series B Physical Sciences


    0001     0002     0003     0004



    0001     0002     0003     0004     0005     0006     0007     0008     0009     0010     0011     0012     0013     0025     0026     0027     0028     0029     0030     0031     0032     0033     0034     0035     0036     0037     0038     0039     0040     0041     0042     0043     0044     0045     0046     0047     0048     0049     0050     0051     0052     0053     0054     0055     0056     0057     0058     0059     0060     0061     0062     0063     0064

Laws Observatory Bulletin, University of Missouri


    0001     0002     0031     0032     0033

Lick Observatory Bulletin


    0001     0002     0003     0004     0005     0006     0007     0008     0009     0010     0011     0012     0013     0014     0015     0016     0017     0018     0019     0020

Lowell Observatory Bulletin



Madras Observatory Observations


    0001     0002     0003     0004     0005     0006     0007     0008     0009     0010

Madras Observatory Observations


    0001     0002     0003     0004     0005     0006     0007     0008

Melbourne Observatory Annual Report



Melbourne Observatory Observations



Memoires de l'Observatoire de l'Ebre


    0001     0002     0003     0004     0005     0006     0007     0008     0010

Memoires of the Mount Stromlo Observatory


    0001     0002     0003     0004     0005     0006     0007     0008     0009     0010     0011

Memoirs of the British Astronomical Association


    0001     0002     0003     0004     0005     0006     0007     0008     0009     0010     0011     0012     0013     0014     0015     0016     0017     0018     0019     0020     0021     0022     0023     0024     0025     0026     0027     0028     0029     0030     0031     0032     0033     0034     0035     0036

Memorie della Societa Degli Spettroscopisti Italiani


    0002     0003     0004     0005     0006     0007     0008     0009     0010     0011     0012     0013     0014     0015     0016     0017     0018     0019     0020     0021     0022     0023     0024     0025     0026     0027     0028     0029     0030     0031     0032     0033     0034     0035     0036     0037     0038     0039     0040

Memorie della Societa Degli Spettroscopisti Italiani, serie 2


    0001     0002     0003     0004     0005     0006     0007     0008

Memorie della Società Astronomica Italiana


    0001     0002     0003     0004     0005     0006     0007     0008     0009     0010     0011     0012     0013     0014     0015     0016     0017     0018     0019     0020     0021

Mitteilungen der Hamburger Sternwarte in Bergedorf


    0001     0002     0003     0004     0005     0006     0007     0008

Mitteilungen der Sternwarte zu Sonneberg


    0001     0002     0003     0004     0005     0006     0007     0008     0009     0010     0011     0012     0013     0014     0015     0016     0017     0018     0019     0020     0021     0022     0023     0024     0025     0026     0027     0028     0029     0030     0031     0032     0033     0034     0035     0036     0037     0038     0039     0040

Monthly Notes of the Astronomical Society of South Africa


    0001     0002     0003     0004     0005     0006     0007     0008     0009     0010     0011     0012     0013     0014     0015

Mount Wilson and Palomar Observatory Annual Report


    0001     0002     0003

Mount Wilson Observatory Annual Report


    0001     0002     0003     0004     0005     0006     0007     0008     0009     0010     0011     0012     0013     0014     0015     0016     0017     0018     0019

Neue Annalen der Koeniglichen Sternwarte in Bogenhausen bei Muenchen


    0001     0002     0003     0004     0005     0006     0007     0008

Observationes Astronomicas Insitutas in Specula Universitatis Caesareae Dorpatensis


    0001     0002     0003     0004     0005     0006     0007     0008

Observations astronomiques faites a l'Observatoire royal de Paris


    0001     0002

Observations made at the U.S. Naval Observatory


    0001     0002     0003     0004     0005     0006     0007

Observatoire de la Societe Astronomique de France Observations et Travaux


    0001     0002

Observatory Astronomical La Plata Series Astronomies


    0001     0002     0003     0004     0005     0006     0007     0008     0009     0010     0011     0012     0013     0014     0015     0016     0017     0018     0019     0020     0021     0022     0023     0024     0025     0026     0027     0028     0029     0030

Osservazioni e memorie dell'Osservatorio astrofisico di Arcetri


    0001     0002     0003     0004     0005     0006     0007     0008     0009     0010     0011     0012     0013     0014     0015     0016     0017     0018     0019     0020     0021     0022     0023     0024     0025     0026     0027     0028     0029     0030     0031     0032     0033     0034     0035     0036     0037     0038     0039     0040     0041     0042     0043     0044     0045     0046     0047     0048     0049     0050     0051     0052     0053     0054     0055     0056     0057     0058     0059     0060     0061     0062     0063     0064     0065     0066     0067     0068     0069

Osservazioni e memorie dell'Osservatorio astrofisico di Arcetri - Appendici


    0040     0041     0045     0047     0050     0052

Oxford University Observatory Observations


    0001     0002     0003     0004

Popular Astronomy


    0003     0004     0006     0007     0008     0009     0010     0011     0012

Pubblicazioni dell'Osservatorio Astronomico di Milano-Merate


    0001     0002     0003     0004     0005     0006     0007     0008     0009     0010     0011     0012     0013     0014     0015     0016     0017     0018     0019     0020     0021     0022     0023     0024     0025     0026     0027     0028

Publication of the Pomona College Astronomical Society


    0001     0002     0003     0004     0005     0006     0007     0008

Publications du Laboratoire d'Astronomie et de Geodesie de l'Universite de Louvain


    0001     0002     0003     0004     0005     0006     0007     0008     0009     0010     0011     0012     0013     0014

Publications of the Allegheny Observatory of the University of Pittsburgh


    0001     0002     0003     0004     0005     0006     0007     0008     0009

Publications of the American Astronomical Society


    0003     0004     0005     0006     0007     0008     0009     0010

Publications of the Astronomical Institute of the Charles University


    0001     0002     0003     0004     0005     0006     0007     0008     0009     0010     0011     0012     0013     0014     0015     0016     0017     0018     0019     0020     0021     0022     0023     0024

Publications of the Astronomical Institute of the University of Amsterdam


    0001     0002     0003     0004     0005     0006     0007     0008     0009     0010

Publications of the Cincinnati Observatory


    0001     0002     0003     0004     0005     0006     0007     0008     0009     0010     0011     0012     0013     0014     0015     0016     0017     0018     0019     0020     0023     0024

Publications of the Cook Observatory


    0001     0002     0003     0004

Publications of the David Dunlap Observatory



Publications of the Dominion Astrophysical Observatory



Publications of the Dominion Observatory Ottawa


    0001     0002     0003     0004     0005     0006     0007     0008     0009     0010     0011

Publications of the Flower and Cook Astronomical Observatory


    0001     0002     0003     0004     0005     0006     0007

Publications of the Goodsell Observatory, Carleton College


    0001     0002     0003     0004     0005     0006     0007     0008     0009     0010     0011     0012

Publications of the Kapteyn Astronomical Laboratory Groningen


    0001     0002     0003     0005     0007     0008     0009     0010     0011     0012     0013     0014     0015     0016     0017     0018     0019     0020     0021     0022     0023     0024     0025     0026     0027     0028     0029     0030     0031     0032     0033     0034     0035     0036     0037     0038     0039     0040     0041     0042     0043     0044     0045     0046     0047     0048     0049     0050     0051     0052     0053     0054     0055

Publications of the Kirkwood Observatory of Indiana University


    0001     0002     0003     0004     0005     0006     0007     0008     0009     0010

Publications of the Leander McCormick Observatory


    0001     0002     0003     0004     0005     0006     0007     0008     0009     0010     0011

Publications of the Observatoire de Lyon


    0001     0002     0003     0004

Publications of the Observatoire Geneve Series A


    0001     0002     0003     0004     0005     0006     0007     0008     0009     0010     0011     0012     0013     0014     0015     0016     0017     0018     0019     0020     0021     0023     0025     0026     0027     0030     0031     0032     0034     0035     0036     0037     0038     0039     0040     0041     0042     0043     0044     0045     0046     0047     0048     0049

Publications of the Oslo Observatory



Publications of the Riverview College Observatory


    0001     0002

Publications of the Sproul Observatory


    0001     0002     0003     0004     0005     0006     0007     0008     0009     0010     0011     0012     0013     0014

Publications of the Tartu Astrofizica Observatory


    0028     0029     0030     0031     0032     0033     0034

Publications of the Tashkent Astronomical Observatory


    0001     0002     0003     0004     0005     0006     0007

Publications of the U.S. Naval Observatory Second Series


    0001     0002     0003     0004     0005     0006     0007     0008     0009     0010     0011     0012     0013     0014     0015     0016

Publications of the Vassar College Observatory


    0001     0002     0003     0004     0005     0006

Publications of the Washburn Observatory


    0001     0002     0003     0004     0005     0006     0007     0008     0009     0010     0011     0012     0013     0014     0015

Publications of the Yerkes Observatory


    0001     0002     0003     0004     0005     0006     0007     0008

Publications of dell'Osservatorio Astronomie de Bologna


    0001     0002     0003     0004     0005

Publications of Lick Observatory


    0001     0002     0003     0004     0005     0006     0007     0008     0009     0010     0011     0012     0013     0014     0015     0016     0017     0018     0019

Publications of Michigan Observatory


    0001     0002     0003     0004     0005     0006     0007     0008     0009

Publications of West Hendon House Observatory, Sunderland


    0001     0002     0003     0004

Publikationen der Kaiserlichen Universitaets-Sternwarte Jurjew


    0021     0022     0023     0024     0025     0026     0027

Publikationen des Astrophysikalischen Instituts Koenigstuhl-Heidelberg


    0001     0002     0003

Publikationen des Astrophysikalischen Observatoriums zu Potsdam


    0001     0002     0003     0004     0005     0006     0007     0008     0009     0010     0011     0012     0013     0014     0015     0016     0017     0018     0019     0020     0021     0022     0023     0024     0025     0026     0027     0028     0029

Publikationer og mindre Meddeler fra Kobenhavns Observatorium


    0001     0002     0003     0004     0005     0006     0007     0008     0009     0010     0011     0012     0013     0014     0015     0016     0017     0018     0019     0020     0021     0022     0023     0024     0025     0026     0027     0028     0029     0030     0031     0032     0033     0034     0035     0036     0037     0038     0039     0040     0041     0042     0043     0044     0045     0046     0047     0048     0049     0050     0051     0052     0053     0054     0055     0056     0057     0058     0059     0060     0061     0062     0063     0064     0065     0066     0067     0068     0069     0070     0071     0072     0073     0074     0075     0076     0077     0078     0079     0080     0081     0082     0083     0084     0085     0086     0087     0088     0089     0090     0091     0092     0093     0094     0095     0096     0097     0098     0099     0100     0101     0102     0103     0104     0105     0106     0107     0108     0109     0110     0111     0112     0113     0114     0115     0116     0117     0118     0119     0120     0121     0122     0123     0124     0125     0126     0127     0128     0129     0130     0131     0132     0133     0134     0135     0136     0137     0138     0139     0140     0141     0142     0143     0144     0145     0146     0147     0148     0149     0150     0151     0152     0153     0154     0155     0156     0157     0158     0159     0160     0161     0162     0163     0164     0165     0166     0167     0168     0169     0170

Recherches Astronomiques de l'Observatoire d'Utrecht


    0001     0002     0003     0004     0005     0006     0007     0008     0009     0010     0011

Report of the Committee of the Overseers of Harvard College appointed to visit the Observatory


    0001     0002     0003     0004     0005     0006

Reports for the year presented by the Board of Managers of the Observatory of Yale University to the President and Fellows



Republic Observatory Johannesburg Circular


    0121     0122     0123     0124     0125     0126     0127     0128     0130     0131

Resultados del Observatorio Nacional Argentino


    0001     0002     0003     0004     0005     0006     0007     0008     0009     0010     0011     0012     0013     0014     0015     0016     0017     0018     0019     0020     0021     0022     0023     0024     0025     0026     0027     0028     0029     0030     0031     0032     0033     0034     0035     0036     0037     0038

Results of Astronomical Observations made at the Royal Observatory, Cape of Good Hope


    0001     0002     0003     0004     0005     0006     0007     0008     0009     0010     0011     0012     0013     0014     0015

Revista do observatorio : publicacao mensal do Imperial Observatorio do Rio de Janeiro


    0001     0002     0003     0004     0005     0006     0007

Sidereal Messenger


    0001     0002     0003     0004     0005     0006     0007     0008     0009     0010

Specola Astronomica Vaticana Pubblicazioni Serie Seconda


    0001     0002     0003     0004

Specola Astronomica Vaticana Richerche Astronomiche


    0001     0002

Specula Regia Monachiensi Observationes astronomicae


    0006     0007     0008     0009     0010     0011     0012     0013     0014     0015

Stockholms Observatoriums Annaler


    0001     0002     0003     0004     0005     0006     0007     0008     0009     0010     0011     0012     0013     0014     0015     0016

Supplementband zu den Annalen der Munchener Sternwarte


    0001     0002     0003     0004     0005     0006     0007     0008     0009     0010     0011     0012     0013     0014

Sydney Observatory Papers


    0001     0002

Transactions of the Astronomical Observatory of Yale University


    0001     0002     0003     0004     0005     0006     0007     0008     0009     0010     0011     0012     0013     0014     0015     0016     0017     0018     0019     0020     0021     0022     0023     0024     0025     0026     0027     0028     0029     0030     0031     0032     0033     0034     0035

Transactions of the International Union for Cooperation in Solar Research


    0001     0002     0003     0004

Transvaal Observatory Circular


    0001     0002     0003     0004     0005     0006     0007     0008     0009     0010     0011     0012     0013

Travaux de l'Observatoire de Marseille


    0001     0002     0003     0004

Trudy Tashkentskoj Astronomicheskoj Observatorii


    0001     0002     0003     0004     0005

Tsirkulyar Tashkentskoj Astronomicheskoj Observatorii


    0001     0002     0003     0004     0005     0006     0007     0008     0009     0010     0011     0012     0013     0014     0015     0016     0017     0018     0019     0020     0021     0022     0023     0024     0025     0026     0027     0028     0029     0030     0031     0032     0033     0034     0035     0036     0037     0038     0039     0040     0041     0042     0043     0044     0045     0046     0047     0048     0049     0050     0051     0052     0053     0054     0055     0056     0057     0058     0059     0060     0061     0062     0063     0064     0065     0066     0067     0068     0069     0070     0071     0072     0073     0074     0075     0076     0077     0078     0079     0080     0081     0082     0083     0084     0085     0086     0087     0088     0089     0090     0091     0092     0093     0094     0095     0096     0097     0098     0099     0100     0183     0184     0185     0186     0187     0188     0189     0190     0191     0192     0193     0194     0195     0196     0197     0198     0199     0200     0201     0202     0203     0204     0205     0206     0207     0208     0209     0210     0211     0212     0213     0214     0215     0216     0217     0218     0219     0220     0221     0222     0223     0224     0225     0226     0227     0228     0229     0230     0231     0232     0233     0234     0235     0236     0237

Veroeffentlichungen der Badischen Landes-Sternwarte zu Heidelberg


    0008     0009     0010     0011     0012     0014     0015     0016     0017     0018     0019     0020     0021

Veroeffentlichungen der Badischen Sternwarte zu Heidelberg


    0001     0002     0003     0004     0005     0006     0007

Veroeffentlichungen der Sternwarte Babelsberg


    0001     0002

Veroeffentlichungen der Sternwarte Munchen


    0001     0002     0003     0004

Veroeffentlichungen der Universitaets-Sternwarte zu Goettingen


    0001     0002     0003     0004     0005     0006     0007

Veroeffentlichungen der Universitaets-Sternwarte zu Jena


    0001     0002     0003     0004

Veroeffentlichungen der Universitaetssternwarte zu Berlin-Babelsberg


    0001     0002     0003     0004     0005     0006     0007     0008     0009     0010

Veroeffentlichungen der Universitaetssternwarte zu Leipzig


    0001     0002     0003     0004     0005     0006     0007     0008

Veroeffentlichungen des Astronomischen Rechen-Instituts zu Berlin-Dahlem


    0041     0042     0043     0044     0045     0046     0047     0048     0049     0050     0051     0052     0053     0054     0055

Veroeffentlichungen des Astronomisches Institute der Universitaet Bonn


    0016     0017     0018     0019     0020     0021     0022     0023     0024     0025     0026     0027     0028     0029     0030     0031     0032     0033     0034     0035     0036     0037     0038     0039

Veroeffentlichungen des Koniglichen Astronomischen Rechen-Instituts zu Berlin


    0001     0002     0003     0004     0005     0006     0007     0008     0009     0010     0011     0012     0013     0014     0015     0016     0017     0018     0019     0020     0021     0022     0023     0024     0025     0026     0027     0028     0029     0030     0031     0032     0033     0034     0035     0036     0037     0038     0039     0040

Veroffentlichungen der Remeis-Sternwarte Bamberg


    0001     0002     0003     0004

Verslag van den staat der Sterrewacht te Leiden


    0001     0002     0003     0004     0005     0006     0007     0008     0009     0010     0011     0012     0013     0015     0016     0017     0018     0019     0020     0021     0022     0024     0025     0026     0028     0029     0030     0032     0034     0037     0038     0041     0042     0045     0047     0049

Williamstown Observatory Observations



Yale University Observatory Reports for the year


